Pelatihan Online Terbaik dan Terlengkap Finance,Manajemen TRAINING OWNER ESTIMATE CALCULATION




Owner Estimate Calculation
pengenalan Owner Estimate Calculation
perhitungan harga perkiraan sendiri
penerapan Owner Estimate Calculation

DESCRIPTION pelatihan pengenalan Owner Estimate Calculation pasti jalan

Project defined as an activity takes place in a temporary period of
time, with limited resources and intended to carry out determined
tasks. The success of a project depends on the extent to which the
project can meet the project success criteria. Criteria include:
benefits of the project, project quality, length of time and cost
Owner Estimate (OE) or Self Estimated Price (HPS) is the estimated
price of goods/services analyzed professionally and validated by
authority executives. Owner Estimate (OE) works as reference to
evaluate bid price of goods and services which goals to get reasonable
bid price, accountable and can be carried out by partners in
accordance with the condition of contract. Thus, framing of Project
Owners Estimate is the success key of Project Management of a company.
This workshop will be guided by some speakers who have many
experiences in field of project and purchasing management and a depth
broad of accounting and statistical knowledge. Each seminar
participant will be given the software to calculate Owner Estimate.
Discussed substances will be very useful for the calculation of OE
project and OE procurement of goods or services.

MATERI Training Owner Estimate Calculation

1. Project Management Concept
* Project management characteristics
* Project stakeholder
* Project management and organization planning project
* Project success criteria
* Project Triple Constraints
* Role of Human Resources

2. Project Planning and Network Planning
* Project definition
* Schedule arrangement
* Network Planning
* Critical Path Method (CPM)
* Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT)
* Translate network planning to bar chart

3. Crash Program Technique
* Crash Program criteria
* Technique dan optimation of crash program by linear programming
* Crash Program Expense Analysis

4. Project Expense Structure as OE Base Calculation
* Direct material
* Direct labour
* Overhead

5. Owners Estimate (OE) Material Calculation
* The past contract price
* Market price
* The price came from supplier proposal
* The price came from production cost estimation
* Target Pricing
* Alternatives on determining Owners Estimate material

6. Technique of Compiling Project Budget of Activity Based Budgeting
(ABB) Concept
* Introduce ABB (Activity-Based Budgeting) concept
* Project is a herd of activities
* Estimation Technique of Activity Expenses
* Application of Activity-Based Budgeting Concept on project budget
* Project Cash Budget Arrangement Technique

7. OE Calculation and Material Planning with MRP (Material Requirement
* Network planning as basic procurement schedule
* The determination of Bill of Materials from every activity in
Network Planning
* Inventory stock on hand and receipt of materials scheduled
* Identify each type of lead-time material
* MRP implementation stage of project materials planning
* Calculation used Owners Estimate material
* Practice of MRP Project calculation

8. Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
* Time value of money
* Cash-flow analysis
* Net Present Value (NPV)

9. Application of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Concept on Equipment
* Difference of Cost and Price
* Select Equipment by Net Present Value (NPV) concept

10. Project Schedule Evaluation Technique
* Comparing scheduled plan with current schedule
* Schedule deviation analysis
* Diagram Cause and Effect Analysis by Ishikawa technique
* Recommended actions

11. Project Budget Evaluation Technique
* Compare the budget cost of each project activity with actual costs
* Analysis variance cost
* Cause and effect analysis on the cost of the project

12. Control Project
* Basic and purpose of control project
* S Curve
* Time and cost control
* Contractor control
* Quality control

TARGET PESERTA pelatihan perhitungan harga perkiraan sendiri terbaru

* Project Managers and Staff
* Project Cost Control Managers and Staff
* Budget Analyst Person
* Finance Managers and Staff
* Project Finance Officers and Staff
* Risk Management Unit Managers and Staff
* Operation Managers and Staff
* Logistics and Supply Chain Managers and Staff
* Procurement Managers and Staff
* Business Development Managers and Staff
* Person who involve in cost control activities

TRAINING METHOD pelatihan penerapan Owner Estimate Calculation pasti jalan



Case Study



Jadwal Training Online di Tahun 2023

Pelatihan Online Bulan Januari : 10-11 Januari 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Februari : 7-8 Februari 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Maret : 7-8 Maret 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan April : 18-19 April 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Mei : 16-17 Mei 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Juni : 6-7 Juni 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Juli : 11-12 Juli 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Agustus : 22-23 Agustus 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan September : 12-13 September 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Oktober : 10-11 Oktober 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan November : 7-8 November 2023
Pelatihan Online Bulan Desember : 5-6 Desember 2023

Jadwal tersebut juga dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan calon peserta


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