Pelatihan Online Terbaik dan Terlengkap Best Training,Uncategorized TRAINING PENTAHO ANALYSIS FOR DATA ANALYTICAL SOLUTION




Pentaho Analysis for Data Analytical Solution
pengenalan Pentaho Analysis for Data Analytical Solution
analisis data
prinsip data analysis solution

DESCRIPTION pelatihan pengenalan Pentaho Analysis for Data Analytical Solution pasti jalan

In this program the participants will learn the Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP) which is part of Business Intelligence denotes
descriptive modeling for analysis based information processing. It is
an approach to quickly answer multi-dimensional analytical queries.

The participants will be able to apply Mondrian/Pentaho Analysis as a
free open source OLAP Server written in Java which is one of the most
affordable and popular OLAP solution.

Pair with JPivot participants can access Mondrian’s OLAP data in web
based manner with unlimited clients. Thus participants can easily
maintained and deployed OLAP solutions in participants’

OBJECTIVE pelatihan analisis data terbaru

At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:
* Understand Basic Concepts of OLAP and What Kinds of Problems Can
it Solved
* Understand Multi-Dimensional Modeling Like Cubes, Dimension and
* Develop OLAP Schemas for use with Pentaho Analysis
* Integrate Pentaho Analysis Solution into Pentaho Business
Intelligence Platform (Business Intelligence Server)
* Develop OLAP Security/User Access Control

COURSE OUTLINE pelatihan prinsip data analysis solution pasti jalan

Introduction to OLAP Concepts
* Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical
Processing (OLAP)
* Cubes, Dimensions, Hierarchies, Levels and Measures
* Multi-Dimensional Modeling
* Fact and Dimension Tables
* Star and Snow Flake Schema

Pentaho Analysis/Mondrian
* Architecture
* Mondrian as ROLAP (Relational OLAP) Engine
* Aggregation Cache
* MDX (Multidimensional Expression)
* Tools
* Pentaho Workbench Editor
* Pentaho Aggregation Designer

Installation and Configuration
* Java Runtime
* MySQL Database Server and Foodmart Database Sample
* Pentaho Business Intelligence Server

Pentaho Business Intelligence Server
* Pentaho Business Intelligence Platform and Server
* Pentaho Solutions
* Pentaho Analysis Component (JPivot, Schema, XAction)
* Administration Console
* Creating and Maintaining User/Role
* Creating and Maintaining Database Connections

Mondrian Schema
* Mondrian Schema XML File
* Pentaho Schema Workbench Editor
* Defining Cubes, Dimensions and Shared Dimensions
* Creating Measures and Calculated Measures
* Virtual Cubes
* Roles

MDX (Multidimensional Expression)
* MDX Queries & Syntax
* Concepts
* Dimensions, Measures, Members and Cells
* Tuples and Sets
* Member Properties
* MDX Expression & Functions
* Navigation Functions
* Time Functions
* Filter and Slices
* Aggregate Functions

Pentaho Aggregation Designer
* Mondrian’s Aggregate Tables
* Schema Map of Aggregate Tables
* Tuning Performance with Pentaho Aggregation Designer

JSP Based Dashboard Solution
* Short Introduction to Java and JDBC Connection
* Creating Java Server Pages (JSP)
* Map JSP to Web Server’s URL
* Creating Shortcut into Pentaho User Console’s Menu
* Integrate Pentaho Analysis Schema into Pentaho Business
Intelligence Server
* Creating User/Role Through Administration Console

TRAINING METHOD training Pentaho Analysis for Data Analytical Solution murah

Pre test



Case Study

Post test



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